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Advanced - Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Exercise 2

Friday, 12 July 2019
You are late Advanced - Modal Auxiliary Verbs: I should have known you would be late. Business photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com

Rewrite the sentences with the choices given and then check your answers below.


Perhaps she jumped

A. may have

B. could have

A. She _______ jumped. B. She ______ jumped.


A. She may have jumped. B. She could have jumped.


1. Maybe he said that. She can't remember now.

A. might have
B. could have

A. ___________ B. ______________

2. Perhaps she saw us.

A. could have
B. might have

A. ___________ B. ______________

3. I think we took the wrong turn, we're lost.

A. must have

A. ___________

4. They wondered out loud as to what to do next.

A. shall

A. ___________

5. I wish they had seen it. It was spectacular!

A. should have

A. ___________

6. Perhaps when I'm 80 I won't remember him

A. will have forgotten

A. ___________

7. It is possible to have happened but not likely.

A. could have

A. ___________

8. You should have listened to them from the beginning.

A. ought to have

A. ___________

9. It was possible for him to go but he didn't.

A. could have

A. ___________

10. I ought to have known that you would be late.

A. should have

A. ___________

Read 4569 times
Last modified on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14:42

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