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Advanced - Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Exercise 1

Friday, 12 July 2019
Front door Advanced - Modal Auxiliary Verbs: You shouldn't lock the front door when you go out. Background photo created by topntp26 - www.freepik.com

Type the correct modal verb into the box.

can couldn't have to might must ought to shouldn't was able

1. Do you think there__________ be a storm later? It's very hot today.

2. You__________ lock the front door when you go out.

3. They__________have checked the oil level in the car before they set off.

4. My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily I__________to fix it.

5. Dad says we__________play videogames after we've finished our homework.

6. You don't__________pick me up at the airport. I can get a taxi.

7. This is not possible, it__________be a mistake!

8. Anne__________have seen me because she walked past without saying 'Hello'.


Read 8267 times
Last modified on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14:42

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