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Clauses of contrast, purpose, reason and result: Exercise 2

Wednesday, 17 April 2019
kids on snow Clauses of contrast, purpose, reason and result: Although the weather was cold, this didn't stop the children playing in the park. Winter photo created by bristekjegor - www.freepik.com

Fill in the gaps in the text with words from the list:



in order

as a consequence of



due to


___________ the weather was cold, this didn't stop the children playing in the park. ________ the temperature, they wore thick coats and gloves. One wore a long scarf, _______ they didn't want a chilly neck. They enjoyed themselves, ________ the icy wind. _______ their play, they were tired when they got home._________their exertions earlier, they still had plenty of energy! Later that day, they met up again to go ice skating. _______ to reach the ice rink, they had to take two buses.


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Last modified on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 14:21