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What are the latest breakthroughs in dementia research? - Answers

Monday, 05 February 2018
What are the latest breakthroughs in dementia research? - Answers Designed by Freepik

Research gives hope to sufferers of Huntington's disease. Learn about developments in the field of dementia in our upper intermediate comprehension reading activity with questions and answers.

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Exciting UK breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of Huntington's Disease: Comprehension questions and answers

1. What is Huntington's disease and what causes it?

It is an inherited condition caused by a faulty gene in our DNA which affects our movement, learning, thinking and emotions.

2.  How does the UK study hope to stop the progress of Huntington's disease in the patient?

They have found a way to switch off the faulty gene that causes Huntingdon's disease.

3.  Why does Bill Gates highlight the urgency of understanding the causes of dementia?

Because there are now 50 million people affected by dementia globally and this figure is still rising.

4. According to the American Academy of Neurology, what is the relationship between REM sleep and dementia.

They think that people who gets less REM sleep are more at risk from dementia than people whose sleep is not disturbed.

5. What is the technique being developed by Australian scientists to reduce Alzheimer's symptoms in mice? 

They are using ultrasound scanning along with an antibody drug to cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce symptoms more effectively.
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published in Graded Reading 2018
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 20:38