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Graded Reading – Pre-intermediate – May 2015

Thursday, 04 June 2015
Graded Reading – Pre-intermediate – May 2015 “doctor-563428_1280.jpg” by DarkoStojanovic is licensed under Public Domain

Healthcare in the UK

The healthcare system in the United Kingdom is very different to the systems in other countries. Find out why in this month's graded reader at a pre-intermediate level.

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Healthcare in the UK - the National Health Service

The National Health Service is an organisation run by the government. The National Health Service manages doctors and hospitals all over the countries. There are also private doctors, but the doctors run by The National Health Service are free to use for British citizens. This means that if someone is ill they do not have to worry about paying for it.

Paying for healthcare

The National Health Service is paid for by Government Taxes. This way, everybody pays a small amount to look after each other. You can buy medicines from shops. Medicine a doctor told you to take is called a prescription medicine. Prescription medicine is subsidised by the National Health Service, meaning it only costs a small charge. Prescription medicines are also sometimes given for free to vulnerable people.

Healthcare for foreign nationals

If you are visiting the UK, many people pay for healthcare using travel insurance. Some people prefer to use private doctors to pay for their treatments. For those from European Union countries, a European Healthcare Insurance Card is necessary to use National Health Service hospitals and doctors.

Healthcare in the UK - Comprehension Questions

1. How is healthcare in the United Kingdom paid for?

2. How do people pay for prescription medicines?

3. What is the main healthcare organisation called?

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published in May 2015
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 13:56

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