Here you can expand your knowledge of verbs using our advanced and detailed review of English tenses and nomenclature.
Phrasal verbs - Rules and exercises for advanced level
Written by Barbara WadsworthOnline English grammar lesson around phrasal verbs for advanced students. Learn the rules, then put your knowledge into practice with our two exercises.
Inversion – rules and exercises for advanced level
Written by Barbara WadsworthSubject-verb inversion is a feature of English common in formal or literary styles where the subject of a sentence follows the verb rather than the reverse. This section explains the rules that govern the various forms of subject-verb inversion. It includes subject-auxiliary inversion where the verb being moved is an auxiliary verb.
Question tags - Rules and exercises for advanced level
Written by Barbara WadsworthYou already know how to use question tags, don’t you? Master the advanced use of these handy grammatical structures with our rules and exercises.
Leaving out words after auxiliary verbs – Rules and exercises for advanced level
Written by Barbara WadsworthDo you want to understand why we sometimes leave a verb out after an auxiliary verb? Of course you do. Sometimes leaving out the verb that follows an auxiliary verb can improve a sentence by making it more concise. This advanced level grammar lesson will show you how to do it correctly.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level English students - In this advanced lesson we look at how to create the different passive forms from active sentences by changing the position of the agent and the structure of the verb.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level students or teachers - Complete overview of modal auxiliary verbs.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level students or teachers - A view on the different ways to express Future: will, going to, Present Continuous, Present Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, Future in the past, is to, is about to.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level students or teachers - A short description of the three aspects of the English tenses (Simple aspect, Continuous aspect, Perfect aspect) focussing on the different usage according to the time an action happens and the way we see it.
An overview on the active and passive.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level students or teachers - An in depth examination of the Perfect Aspect in the forms of the Present, Past and Future.
English grammar lesson on-line for advanced level students or teachers - An overview of the use of the auxiliary verbs 'to be', 'to do' and 'to have', paying particular attention to their use in short answers, question tags, commenting on giving information, replying with a different auxiliary and using more than one auxiliary.