This informative overview explains how main verbs, tenses and verb patterns are formed.
Verbs are words used to describe an action, such as 'watch', 'play' or 'listen'
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of present perfect with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of different ways to express future with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the verb 'to have' with audio explanation and printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the verb 'to be' with audio explanation and printable exercises.
Elementary - Past simple of the verb 'to be'
Written by Stephanie DavidsonEnglish grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the past simple of the verb 'to be' with audio explanation and printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the present simple for the main verbs.
Elementary - Past Simple, spelling of regular verbs
Written by Stephanie DavidsonEnglish grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the past simple form of some regular verbs with audio explanation and printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the past continuous with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the use of 'going to' with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the past simple with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the use of verb patterns with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the passive with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the first conditional with printable exercises.
English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the second conditional with printable exercises.