November 2014
All articles of the November 2014 edition of graded readers.
Friday, 10 October 2014 00:00
Graded Reading – Advanced – November 2014
Written by Barbara WadsworthA Short History of Science – Part II
Great progress in science has been made since the ancient Greek times. After the September's graded reader on the early history of science, let's find out what has happened in science since the 18th century with this month's graded reader at an advanced level.
published in
November 2014
Sunday, 05 October 2014 00:00
Graded Reading – Elementary – November 2014
Written by Barbara WadsworthStrange traditions in the UK
Did you know there is a famous race in the UK where people run after a round of Double Gloucester cheese? Find out more about it in this month's graded reader at an elementary level.
published in
November 2014