Graded Reading Comprehension
Graded reading, in the form of comprehension questions and answers, can help students learning English to put the grammar lessons they’ve learned into practice.
Find free graded reading examples here for all three levels of English: elementary, intermediate and advanced.

Graded Reading 2017 (14)
Click to see all the articles from the 2017 edition of Graded Readers.

Graded Reading 2016 (4)
Click to see all the articles from the 2016 edition of Graded Readers

Graded Reading 2015 (10)
Click to see all the articles from the 2015 edition of Graded Readers

Graded Reading 2014 (18)
Click to see all the articles from the 2014 edition of Graded Readers

Graded Reading 2018 (12)
Click to see all the articles from the 2018 edition of Graded Readers.
What has the bunny rabbit got to do with Easter?
Written by Barbara WadsworthHave you ever wondered why bunny rabbits are associated with Easter? Read this graded reader at a pre-intermediate level to find out.
What can I expect on St. Patrick's Day in the UK?
Written by Helen BurlefingerSt. Patrick's Day fun fills London around 17th March each year for a spectacular festival and parade. Intermediate reading comprehension exercise with questions and answers.
Have a look at a recipe for one of the world's favourite and simplest dishes – pancakes! Learn how to make them with this graded reader at an elementary level.
Can learning a language make you more intelligent?
Written by Helen BurlefingerLearning a language can have a profound effect on your brain, making you smarter. Find out how in this graded reader at a pre-intermediate level.
Speaking two languages rather than just one has many practical benefits. Let's see four of the most important advantages in this graded reader at an upper intermediate level.
Speak the local lingo - how to win friends and influence people!*
Written by Helen BurlefingerLove a language and boost your popularity. Find out more with this graded reading at an intermediate level.
What do you do with stockings on Christmas day?
Written by Barbara WadsworthDo you know what a Christmas stocking is for? Find out more in this month's graded reading comprehension at an intermediate level.
Why do men grow moustaches for charity? It's Movember!
Written by Barbara WadsworthWhen it's Movember, men grow moustaches for charity. Read why in our graded comprehension reading at an intermediate level.
How to make an easy Halloween costume: a step-by-step guide
Written by Barbara WadsworthHave you ever wondered how to make your own Halloween outfit in a cost-effective way? Find out more with this reading comprehension at an intermediate level.
Do you know what the Commonwealth is? To find out more read this graded comprehension text at an intermediate level.
Graded Reading – Pre-intermediate – July 2015
Written by Barbara Wadsworth4 Things you need to know if you are moving to the UK
Are you about to move or travel to the UK? Read some practical tips on how to survive in this month's graded reader at pre-intermediate level.
The Wimbledon Championships are often known simply as Wimbledon. It is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and many see it as the biggest too. Find out more about it in this month's graded reader at an intermediate level.
Ladies Day at Royal Ascot
All women wear hats on Ladies Day at Royal Ascot. Find out why in this month's graded reader at an intermediate level.
Graded Reading – Pre-intermediate – May 2015
Written by Barbara WadsworthHealthcare in the UK
The healthcare system in the United Kingdom is very different to the systems in other countries. Find out why in this month's graded reader at a pre-intermediate level.
Graded Reading – Upper-intermediate – April 2015
Written by Barbara WadsworthDo women come from Venus and men from Mars?
Some people say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Why don't they always understand each other? Read all about it in this month's graded reader at an upper-intermediate level.