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The Traditional British Pub - Page 2

Friday, 15 November 2019

Your guide to the Great British Pub. Read our top tips and facts in this elementary reading comprehension with questions and answers.

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The Traditional British Pub: comprehension questions and answers

1. What drinks can you usually buy in a British pub?

1. Alcoholic drinks like beer, cider and spirits but also non-alcoholic drinks like coca-cola or orange juice.  Sometimes hot drinks like tea and coffee are also available.

2. What are the two sizes for beer or cider?

2. The bigger size is called a pint and the smaller size is called a half.

3. What do we call it when you buy a drink for everyone in your group?

3. Buying a round

4. Which city has the oldest pub in England?

4. In Nottingham




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published in Graded Reading 2019
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