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2020 Vision: Tokyo Olympics

Friday, 19 May 2017
Tokyo skytree. 2020 Vision: Tokyo Olympics. Tokyo skytree. 2020 Vision: Tokyo Olympics. This image by xegxef from pixabay is licenced under the CC0 Creative Commons Licence.

The Tokyo Olympics: Four Fascinating Facts to amaze your friends! Elementary reading comprehension exercise including questions and answers.

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Reading comprehension - Elementary level

If you want to know more about preparations for the next Olympics,  read the following four facts:

1. Where are the games going to take place? The 2020 Olympics will take place in Japan in 39 venues across Tokyo. Eight of these venues are new permanent buildings. There will also be developments to the transport system including robot cars, hologram displays and taxis with no drivers!

2. Which sports will the games include? For the first time at the Olympics, the games will include the  sport of skateboarding. Baseball, karate, surfing and sport climbing (on artificial climbing walls) are also in the Olympics for the first time.

3. What is special about the 2020 winners’ medals? In Japan fans of the Olympics are going to collect old electronic devices. These devices will be recycled to create medals for the most successful athletes in each event. Gold, silver and bronze from old smart phones, laptops, cameras and games will have a new life as Olympic medals for first, second and third place.

4. How will the safety of the spectators be organised? Tokyo is planning multilingual emergency procedures for the 2020 Olympic Games. Instructions will be given in Japanese, Chinese, English and Korean  from the top of the Tokyo Skytree, the highest tower in Japan. This will help protect foreign visitors, especially if there is an earthquake* or other serious emergency.

*Violent shaking of the ground

Tokyo Olympics 2020 - Comprehension questions 

1. How many new Olympic venues will be built for the 2020 Olympics?

2. What are the five new sports  in the 2020 games?

3. What is the name of Japan’s highest building?

4. Name the four languages used for the emergency instructions.

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published in Graded Reading 2017
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 11:46

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