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Graded-Reading - Pre-intermediate - October 2014 - Answers

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Graded-Reading - Pre-intermediate - October 2014 - Answers Drive-on-the-left-kent-1b released into the public domain by its author, NFH at the English Wikipedia project

Driving in the UK

Why do they drive on the left side of the road in the UK? Read this month's graded reader at a pre-intermediate level to find out more.

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Driving in the UK - Comprehension questions and Answers

1. Why do they drive on the left side of the road in the UK?

Because the habit of driving on the left for horses and carts was not changed with the introduction of cars.

2. How many types of roads are there in the UK?

There are three types of roads: motorways, A roads and B roads.

 3. Why do drivers have to pay a congestion charge in London?

Because that should limit the traffic around the city centre.

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published in October 2014
Read 19559 times
Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 13:58

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