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Graded Reading - Pre-intermediate - July 2014 - Answers

Monday, 23 June 2014
Graded Reading - Pre-intermediate - July 2014 - Answers Gregor Mendel by unknown author. This image is in the public domain

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel is considered the father of genetics. Find out more about him in this month's graded reader at a pre-intermediate level.

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Gregor Johann Mendel - Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. What did Mendel do when he was a child?

Mendel worked a s a gardener when he was a child.

2. What is the name of the Abbey where he entered in 1843?

The name is Abbey of St Thomas.

3. Was his work immediately accepted by the scientific community?

His work was not immediately accepted. In Fact it was criticised at the beginning. The value of his work was recognized only 30 years after his death.

4. What type of plants did he study?

He studied pea plants.

5. What science did he contribute to?

He is considered the father of modern genetics.

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published in July 2014
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 13:59

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